Banquet pot pies are sub-par. So they were out.

But I remembered that I used to take Swanson pot pies to work and heat them in the microwave. They worked well for a lunch meal. In fact, I remember one specific day when I removed the pot pie from the microwave, and for reasons I no longer recall, I dropped it and it landed top side down on the floor. I was sooo disappointed because I was really looking forward to this pot pie. The smell of it already had me salivating. All was not lost -- I just flipped it back over onto a plate and ate it for lunch.
But I digress.
I looked in four grocery stores for Swanson pot pies and could not find them. In fact, I did not see any Swanson frozen products. (I used to like the Swanson fish and chips meals, too.) I looked in County Market, Schnucks, Meijer, and Walmart. I was certain I would find Swanson pot pies in one of these stores. But I came away disappointed each time.
Today I was at ValuCheck. I casually looked at the pot pies. Just as I figured: no Swanson pot pies. I had not looked here previously because ValuCheck is County Market's budget store, and I figured if it was not at County Market, it would not be at ValuCheck.
Boy, was I wrong! On the very last shelf (bottom) of the vertical freezer case, I found a couple stacks of Swanson Chicken Pot Pies. I purchased two and left the store feeling victorious.