Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Cold February

We had roughly 2 weeks where temperatures remained below-freezing in February 2021. C-U temperatures have been below freezing since late on February 4. I believe we finally got above 32° this past Sunday (February 21).

But that is nowhere near the record for longest streak of complete days with subfreezing temperatures in C-U: 36, stretching from Dec. 29, 1976, to Feb. 2, 1977. During that period, there were 16 days with low temperatures below zero, including a -20 reading on Jan. 17, 1977, as well as readings of  -12, -13, and -17 on other days.

The average temperature during the 36-day event was about 10.5 degrees. January 1977 was the coldest January in the 133-year history of C-U weather records.

The News-Gazette, 02/20/2021:

On the other hand:

Sunday, February 7, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine

It can be difficult to get vaccinated for the coronavirus. I found it difficult just finding correct, up-to-date information. I learned that I had to sign up online. It was difficult to find where the sign-up was. Then, it was full and the sign-up was closed even though there were random openings throughout the form. I continued looking over several days, and I did get us registered. We received our 1st dose on January 26.

We were told that the Public Health District would contact us to get our 2nd shots in 4 to 6 weeks. Hope that works better than getting this 1st shot scheduled.