Wednesday, September 26, 2018


During the opening remarks of his speech on September 25 at the United Nations, Trump boasted that his administration "has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country in its first two years."

Audience members began chuckling, and the laughs grew louder when Trump said "so true."

Trump smiled and paused, before adding, "I didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK."

When questioned by news reporters after the speech, he said (paraphrased), "That's what I wanted them to do."

So, during the speech he did not expect them to laugh, but after the speech, he did.  Yeah, right.

Meanwhile, on Monday the president tweeted:

That drew chuckles, too, in the U.S.  I guess he could blame "false acquisitions" (instead of "false accusations") on befuddled fingers.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

I'm Brilliant!

Yesterday's Final Jeopardy category was revealed, and I immediately gave my answer without seeing the prompt.  I said "Turquoise," the program went to commercial, then returned with the question.

Category:  Color Etymology
Question:  This word for a gem & a shade of blue derives from the name of a Eurasian country from which gems came to W. Europe

The contestant's responses were: topaz, azure, and sapphire.  But I was the only one to get it correct!  And before the question was even revealed.

I won!

BTW, turquoise was named from French "turques" meaning "Turkish," the original material found on the south slopes of the Al-Mirsah-Kuh Mountains (Iran), but which found its way to Europe via Turkey.

Monday, September 17, 2018

"Fear" / by Bob Woodward

Leonard Pitts, columnist for The Miami Herald, said this about Woodward's book: