Monday, June 10, 2024

ILL request

One of my duties at PC Library was to supervise interlibrary loan. A few years after I retired I had a dream. This is from a Facebook post in 2019.

Last night I dreamed that I still worked at the Library. We received 6-7 new interlibrary loan requests for.......


I guess there was a donut shop in the Library (or the College).

The requests were for a variety of donuts: cinnamon, glazed, blueberry, cream-filled, etc. So I prepared boxes containing a half-dozen donuts and mailed them off. (I had to answer "no" to one request because we had run out of the specific variety that they wanted.)

Sometime later I thought "Wait a minute. I just gave away free donuts. What was I thinking?"

So I resolved that the next time the Library received ILL requests for donuts I would respond "No, not on shelf."

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