Saturday, February 8, 2025

Illinois State Flag

The state is in the process of determining whether a new state flag should be adopted. More than 4,800 designs were submitted to the Illinois Flag Commission. These were reviewed, and 10 were selected. Also included in the voting are the existing flag and flags from the state's centennial and sesquicentennial for a total of 13 choices.

Ho-hum. Illinois is more than Lincoln.

The designer said the lone white star represents Chicago. Sorry. There's more to Illinois than Chicago.

Plain and boring.

The designer said the biggest blue stripe represents Lake Michigan. So what? Possibly important to the Chicago area. (I suppose the lake has economic impact for the rest of the state.)

Nothing exciting about this. It's colorless and dull.
Apparently it was adapted from the centennial flag in 1918, I guess. 

Looks like it was designed by grade school students.

Apparently it was high school students.

This has appeal for Univ of Illinois purposes.

What's with a six-pointed star? The designer said the star represents Chicago. Chicago has six-pointed stars on their city flag. Guess that explains that.

I kind of like this ..... but not for the state flag.

Looks kind of communistic. 

Or maybe the flag of a random developing country.


No big deal. The state outline is catty-wampus. 

Apparently the sesquicentennial flag designed in 1968.

That center flower looks like a quilt block. It apparently is supposed to look like corn kernels with a 21-pronged gear that forms the state flower, a violet. 21 prongs represent that Illinois is the 21st state. Needs a pop color.

It's pretty. But not for the state flag.

This was the most imaginative and most colorful. Everything represents something positive. I like this design.

Designed by someone (or a business) in Champaign who said it honors Illinois' history and beauty.

The original state flag that has been proposed to replace. The Great Seal was placed on a white background in 1915 and declared the state flag. The word Illinois was added in 1969.

Well, geeze. Guess copying is not an infraction.

I've been voting each day since online voting began in January: 
Vote Early -- Vote Often. Voting closes on February 14. I just keep voting for the same one. Guess which one? Incidentally, once you vote, you are blocked from voting again for 24 hours. 

I vote for the old standby -- the original flag. Maybe I'm just so accustomed to it that the other choices just do not measure up. Although I do like the colorful one, #11 in this list.

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