Thursday, March 30, 2023

Movie: The Two Popes

P gave us a Roku remote thing-a-ma-bob for Christmas in 2019. I do not have enough tech-intelligence to describe how it works. It just allows us to watch movies, etc., on Netflix. (We have a paid account.) And I've recently discovered I can view YouTube content, too. It probably has other (fee-based) streaming services, too. Our remote is not exactly like the remote pictured here. Among a couple other things, the two buttons on the right-side bottom of our remote say ESPN and Sling.

Thankfully P and JF installed the necessary whatever for the Roku to work on our TV. Then he set us up with the Netflix account.

JF and P install the Roku and Netflix

One of the first movies that I watched on Netflix was "The Two Popes." I mostly liked it. There was some political action in Argentina (birth country of Pope Francis) which I did not understand. And more than likely, there were other scenes throughout the movie that I did not pay a lot of attention to. I possibly dozed off. But one scene which really caught my fancy was as the movie was coming to a close:

Pope Benedict, the German one, is saying his confession to the next pope (not pope yet), Francis. Benedict says "It's been 8 days since my last confession. Several venial sins. And I'm getting too old and forgetful to remember what they are." Benedict looks surprised and says "Can you say that? I didn't know that you could say that. That's useful."

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


I am a member of a "neighborhood" facebook-like group. I put neighborhood in quotes because there can be posts from all over C-U so I do not understand the neighborhood aspect of it. Altho I am a member as a resident of a SW neighborhood. But anyway .....

I do not delve too deeply into the posts. They can be just as stupid as FB posts -- rants and rude comments. Every now and then something will grab my interest. Such as this post. I took a look because I wondered what the issue was with this GoFundMe request. Sounds like her baby boy is suffering, doesn't it?

It's a dog. I've seen other posts like this. Such as, "Our little girl was playing the yard and has wandered off." Etc. Really catches one's soft side. Then turns out to be an animal.

I do not mind people making these posts. Maybe they're helpful in resolving whatever is going on. OK to think of their pets in this manner, but it is misleading and annoying to learn that their child is not human.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Translator Needed

I walked into family room. J says: Neum uck, neum eral.
I said: Huh?
"Need milk, need cereal."
He talks like a stroke victim.
I told him I'd go to the store tomorrow morning.

The other day he mentioned "lunch" a couple times totally out of context with eating. He was talking about the NASA launch. OK, now I understand.

He needs to have other people than me to have scintillating conversations with.

(Originally a text sent to sisters Sept 2020, year of the pandemic.)